- IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines - Backmatter 附錄
一、Appendix 1 The IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 聯合國教科文組織公共圖書館宣言
二、Appendix 2 The Finnish Library Act (904/1998) 芬蘭圖書館法 (1998年)
三、Appendix 3 Customer charter (英) 讀者憲章 → 讀者最大
註:英國大憲章 Great Charter
四、Appendix 4 Library Building Standards – Ontario, Canada and Barcelona, Spain
圖書館建築標準 ─── 英白金漢郡(相當於縣市圖書館)、加拿大奧大略、西班牙巴塞隆納
圖書館建築標準 ─── 英白金漢郡(相當於縣市圖書館)、加拿大奧大略、西班牙巴塞隆納
( 訂定標準規定者 )
五、Appendix 5 Update of IFLA Manifesto 公共圖書館宣言更新版
“10 ways to make a public library work / Update your libraries”.
十種方法讓公圖運作 / 更新你的圖書館
十種方法讓公圖運作 / 更新你的圖書館
六、Appendix 6 Queensland Standards and Guidelines for Public Libraries 澳洲昆士蘭公共圖書館標準(指引綱要)
- Library management standards 圖書館管理標準
To provide the community with a library service that is equitable, cost effective and efficient
圖書館提供平等(equitable)、符合成本效益(cost effective)、有效率(efficient)的服務給社區 - Staffing standard 人員編制標準 (2008年5月修訂)
To provide the minimum requirement for overall staffing and qualified staff levels to ensure consistency of service delivery across local government. - Operational Services Standard 運作營運服務標準
To provide standards and guidelines for a minimum set of operational services that enable the community effective access to library facilities and the services and collections they offer.
目的:讓社區人有效果地近用圖書館設備、服務、館藏 - Library Buildings Standard 圖書館建築物標準
To provide standards and guidelines for developing physical library facilities which serve the identified needs of the community. Library buildings should be attractive and designed for efficiency, sustainability, accessibility, functionality and flexibility.
符合四項設計標準:有效率、持久(不會用一下就損壞)、近用(可外借且不限借閱次數)、功能性、彈性 ⇒ 方便讀者查找獲取資料 - Mobile libraries standard 行動圖書館標準
To provide standards and guidelines for a public library service delivered via a specially designed and equipped vehicle. Mobile libraries extend library service to clients without convenient access to a static library, providing a comparable level of service.
使用特別車輛處理 (不一定非得車輛,也不一定要特別,搞不好一般的即可) - Library collections standard 圖書館館藏標準
To provide standards and guidelines for the development and management of library collections which meet the information, education, recreation and cultural needs of the community, and support the development of lifelong learning.
圖書館館藏必須滿足社區資訊、教育、休閒、文化需求,並且支援終身學習 - Interlibrary loans standards 館際互借標準
To facilitate access by the local community to resources held in other Australian library and information services collections. - Local studies collection standards 在地研究館藏標準
例如:臺北市立圖書館館藏包含臺北市的研究資料,讀者不必到其他地方去找相關資料 - Reference Services Standard 參考服務標準
To provide standards and guidelines for the delivery of effective reference and information services to the community and the collection and management of suitable resources to support these services.
傳遞有效的參考資訊給社區以及管理適合的資源以支援這些服務 - Specialist service standards 專門特定服務標準
They address the library’s focus on literacy issues, services for people who read or speak a language other than English, in addition to addressing services for people with a disability, for young people and for Indigenous Australians.
(1) Literacy service standards 素養標準
To actively promote and support programmes for members of the community with identified literacy needs.
(2) Multicultural services standard 多元文化
To provide standards and guidelines for developing multicultural library services which provide equitable access, encourage participation and foster cohesion for Queensland’s culturally
and linguistically diverse communities.
女生的文字 (只有女生看得懂),早期僅限定女生可學習
(3) Disability services standard 殘障服務標準
To provide standards and guidelines for developing library services and resources which offer barrier-free 無阻礙 access and encourage inclusiveness and participation for people with disabilities.
註:Accessible toilet 無障礙廁所 (正確);Disabled toilet 廁所壞掉 (翻譯錯誤)
(4) Young peoples services standard 青少年服務標準
To provide standards and guidelines for developing young peoples services in libraries.
(5) Library services for Aboriginal People and Torres Strait Islanders standards 提供圖書館服務給原住民(毛利族)與托雷斯海峽群島的標準
To actively consult and negotiate with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to promote library and information literacy and to catalyse the development of public library services. Draft
註:透過現今 DNA 研究發現,絕大部分臺灣人從黃河流域而來 - Technology standard 技術標準
To provide a framework for the efficient and effective use of technology as an integral feature of the public library so that optimum service can be provided. To provide all library sites, staff and users access to technology as required.
提供有效率且有效果的技術使用框架,是公共圖書館必須不可缺少的,以提供最理想的服務 - Resource Description standard 資源描述標準 (cataloging 編目)
To provide a framework for access to library collections, through the bibliographic control of library materials and the interchange of bibliographic data.
(1) 對象:資源
(2) 行為:編目
(3) 目的:描述資源 - Shared Facilities standard 共享設備標準 (資源共享)
To provide the minimum requirements for operating a public library service within a shared environment.
既然其他圖書館有此資源可供共享,為什麼自己還要擁有? ⇨ 互相支援 - Standards for Country Lending Service libraries 全國館際互借標準
The basic requirements for the operation of a library within the Country Lending Service are prescribed by the Country Lending Service Agreement made between participating Local Governments and the Library Board of Queensland.
七、General IFLA Resource List IFLA 訂出的資源
(一) IFLA manifestos 宣言列有三項讓圖書館遵循:
- IFLA. (1995). IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 公共圖書館宣言
- IFLA. (1999). IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifest 學校圖書館宣言
- IFLA. (2002). The IFLA Internet Manifesto. 網際網路宣言
(1) 圖書館內可使用網際網路,包括個人與公家設備
(2) 無隱私權,螢幕大家都可以看的到
⇒ 管制民眾不能看色情網站, email, game 等 (矛盾)
⇒ 管制一人使用時間 (合理)
(二) IFLA standards and guidelines
→ 舊、簡略、少
- Approved recommendations on working out national standards of library services for the blind對象:視覺功能障礙;視覺功能不完整 (盲人)
- Guidelines for library services to deaf people, 2nd ed.
對象:聽覺障礙 (聾子) - Guidelines for Children’s Libraries Services
對象:小學生 - The Guidelines for Library Services to Babies and Toddlers
對象:嬰兒與學步的幼兒 - Multicultural communities: guidelines for library services
對象:多元文化 (不應特別表彰) - The public library as the gateway to the information society: the revision of the IFLA guidelines for public libraries, proceedings of the IFLA/UNESCO Pre-Conference Seminar on Public Libraries, 1997
內容:公共圖書館應當作資訊社會的入口 - Guidelines for library services to prisoners, 3rd ed
對象:矯正;行動受限 (監獄) → 其資訊服務由公共圖書館負責 - Guidelines for Library Services for Young Adults
對象:青少年 - Guidelines for library services to persons with dyslexia
對象:讀寫障礙 - Guidelines for libraries serving hospital patients and the elderly and disabled in long-term care facilities
對象:老人、需受長期照護者 - Mobile library guidelines 行動圖書館 (不一定是汽車,可能是船、駱駝、腳踏車、摩托車)
- The IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto 多元文化
- Professional codes of ethics for librarians 圖書館館員的專業道德規範
- Acts on library services 圖書館服務規章
- Meeting User Needs: A checklist for best practice produced by section 8 – public libraries section of IFLA 對照清單以滿足使用者需求
- The Role of Libraries in Lifelong Learning 圖書館在終身學習之角色
- The IFLA/UNESCO School Library Guidelines 2002 學校圖書館指引
- Public Libraries, Archives and Museums: Trends in Collaboration and Cooperation
註:backmatter 書後
註:IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines實際上所指為附錄
1. 網址:https://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/43971
2. 處理方式:Open access
3. eBook (PDF)
4. Publication Date: July 2010
5. ISBN 978-3-11-023227-1
6. 德國出版社,出版很多國際協會聯盟的書籍
7. 和公共圖書館宣言內容大致相同,反覆再三告知
8. 閱讀對象並非圖書館,而是圖書館的上層長官,供圖書館員憑藉此份文件與主管討論,圖書館應該做什麼,但先決條件是圖書館員必須看懂並認同
7. 和公共圖書館宣言內容大致相同,反覆再三告知
8. 閱讀對象並非圖書館,而是圖書館的上層長官,供圖書館員憑藉此份文件與主管討論,圖書館應該做什麼,但先決條件是圖書館員必須看懂並認同
- 網域名稱 Domain Name
- 簡稱域名
- 一個有意義又容易記憶的名字
- 申請即可取得
二、網域名稱系統 (Domain Name System,簡稱 DNS)
可將域名和 IP 位址相互對映的一個分散式資料庫,能夠使人更方便存取網際網路,而不用去記住無聯想意義、供機器直接讀取的 IP 位址數串。
三、Domain Name & IP之間的關係
- 每一個 domain name可對應一個或0個(未設定) IP
- 每一個IP可對應到多個或0個(未設定) domain name
註:有些 IP 會更動,搬來搬去,以www.wikipedia.org為例:
Name Servers
(一) 問題
404 - 找不到檔案或目錄。 (無資料;資料失效)
有些人透過原始(尚未修正)的 domain name,將資料連結過去,其他人再根據這些連結建立自己的連結 ⇨ 一錯再錯,無止盡修改
(二) 背景
輔大圖資系上剛開始建伺服器時,學校僅提供 lins.fju.edu.tw,前面的部分需自行處理,於是建了一個 domain name server
(三) 解決
- 將 Triple W (www) 轉換為 blue http://blue.lins.fju.edu.tw/mao/works/pls.htm
- 上網查
(四) 結論
網路上所有的 domain name 一旦做了,就不能更動,可另外透過多個 domain name 指向同一地方。雖然實體資料可隨意搬移,但不論原資料搬移至何處,一定要連到原來該有的資料。
攻擊者可能會嘗試從 xxx... 竊取您的資訊 (例如密碼、郵件或信用卡資訊)。
1. 釋義:一個網路機制
2. 原因:資訊安全的軟體(防火牆)向中國購買,若連上 wikipedia,會告知危險、不安全
五、WHOIS Search, Domain Name, Website, and IP Tools
- 網址:
(1) https://who.is/
(2) https://www.whois365.com/tw/ - 中譯:他是誰?
- 功用:進入查詢觀看詳細資訊
IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines - Backmatter