2016年10月8日 星期六



  • IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines - The mission and purposes of the public library
    公共圖書館服務綱領 - 公共圖書館的任務與目標
The public library, the local gateway to knowledge, provides a basic condition for lifelong learning, independent decision-making and cultural development of the individual and social groups.
(IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto, 1994)

二、定義公共圖書館 Defining the public library
  1. 公共圖書館是一個全球性現象
    Public libraries are a world-wide phenomenon.
    Libraries occur in a variety of societies, in differing cultures and at different stages of development. Although the varied contexts in which libraries operate inevitably result in differences in the services provided, and the way those services are delivered, libraries normally have characteristics in common.
  2. 公共圖書館由社區所支援、設立,不是獨立存在,而是與社區緊密相連,因此必須服務社區
    A public library is an organisation established, supported and funded by the community, either through local, regional or national government or through some other form of community organisation.
  3. 公共圖書館提供近用知識、資訊、終身學習;服務平等, 不因種族年齡性別信仰國籍語文社會地位而有差異
    It provides access to knowledge, information, lifelong learning, and works of the imagination through a range of resources and services and is equally available to all members of the community regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, religion, language, disability, economic and employment status and educational attainment.



三、公共圖館的目的 The purposes of the public library
  1. *最主要宗旨:提供資源(圖書)、服務透過提供各種形式的資源與服務來滿足個人和團體的教育、資訊、個人發展,包括娛樂和休閒等方面的需求。
    The primary purpose of the public library is to provide resources and Services in a variety of media to meet the needs of individuals and groups for education, information and personal development including recreation and leisure.

    圖書 →  視聽資料 (1970s後出現) → 其他形式
    借還書→ 其他
    某間鄉村公共圖書館曾舉辦烤肉活動 (經費由縣政府或教育部支付),列舉此活動與圖書館有關係性的項目之一:報名者=圖書館社區內的讀者+因著報名活動而知道有此圖書館存在的讀者
  2. 公共圖書館在民主社會的發展與維護方面,扮演重要角色:
    向個人提供近用廣泛多樣的知識、思想、見解,使之被適當告知 (well–informed),讓社會成為民主社會
  3. They have an important role in the development and maintenance of a democratic society by giving the individual access to a wide and varied range of knowledge, ideas and opinions.

  4. 範例:
(1) 芬蘭公共圖書館議會所發布的目標與願景:滿足在地人的觀念;圖書館的目標:啟發、額外發現、培養能力
The Council for Public Libraries initiated a new vision statement for Finnish public libraries, “The Library is a meeting place of people and ideas. Library: Inspiring, Surprising, Empowering.”
 註:英語系國家的公共圖書館會有上級機關 ─── 圖書館議會 (臺灣稱此為圖書館委員會或圖書委員會);類似:市政府 → 市議會
(2) 澳洲昆士蘭公共圖書館制定綱領與標準,提出最好服務的策略與方法,以改進現在工作程序,達成公共圖書館目標
The Guidelines and Standards for Queensland Public Libraries were designed to improve current procedures and provide achievable goals for the public libraries in Queensland, Australia. The standards are seen as a guide towards achieving ‘best practice’ for those responsible for the management of public library services.

(二) 任務
  1.  教育 Education
    (1) 圖書館是一個教育機構,社會教育與正式教育必須兩者兼具,相輔相成
    Supporting both individual and self conducted education as well as formal education at all levels.’


    註:對於大型機構 (例如:政府),正式文憑 (學歷) 是有用的,但小型機構就完全是靠個人能力

    (2) 公共圖書館應教育「客戶」(customer) 近用資訊的能力,提供足夠的設備、載體 (記載各式各樣資訊的物件),並協助有效地使用學習資源,幫助其學習過程


    (3) 公共圖書館應培養讀者的素養、使用工具的能力


    (4) 在某些國家,公共圖書館被當作支援正式教育的一環

    (5) 範例:
    ① 新加坡公共圖書館的任務:提供可信的、可進用的、連結全球的,不以新加坡或鄰近地區為限的圖書資訊服務,來推動一個知識的、參與的社會
    In Singapore the stated mission for public library service is “to provide trusted, accessible, globally-connected, library and information service so as to promote a knowlegeable and engaged society.”
    ② 南非的生活條件不完備,與臺灣完全不同的生活模式,沒有電使人民能夠學習,因此南非公共圖書館的優先服務項目:提供基本生活設備。圖書館服務包括:電燈、桌子、椅子、沐浴設備、衣物 (不應歧視流浪漢)
    In South Africa, where many people have inadequate living space and no electricity to enable them to study, public libraries have prioritised provision of the basic facilities, artificial light, and tables and chairs.
    ③ 某些國家的圖書館同時是公共圖書館也是學校圖書館,共用併在一起,例如:英國美國的加利福尼亞州等等
    In some countries, libraries are required to fulfil multi-functions e.g., of both public and school libraries. In England, a smaller branch library is combined with a larger school library and located within a leisure facility. In the USA, college and public libraries are sometimes combined, such as the Central Library in San Jose, CA and Harris County Library in Tomball, TX.

    註:英國 (United Kingdom) 與 英格蘭 (England) 不同

    註:(community) college in the USA 美國社區大學,只唸到大一、大二

    ④ 委內瑞拉亞馬遜州幾乎沒有學校圖書館,由於大部分會來使用圖書館的讀者幾乎都是老師和學生,其他人的生活水準不夠高,因此鄉村圖書館專注於提供服務給老師與學生
    In Amazonas State, Venezuel a, where there are few school libraries, rural libraries concentrate on providing support for students and teachers.
    ⑤ 一些西班牙巴塞隆納圖書館遠距支援服務加泰羅尼亞開放大學,例如:電子書等
    In Barcelona province, Spain, some library services offer support to distance learning students from the Open University in Catalonia.
    ⑥ 澳洲昆士蘭圖書館探訪偏遠地區(例如:黃金海岸之外的島嶼;山區) 的小學
    In the State of Queensland, Australia, the Gold Coast City Council Mobile Library visits geographically isolated primary schools.
    ⑦ 挪威圖書館支援不同程度、不同年齡層的學生提供經過認定的網站、經過判斷的資訊 (類似教科書)
    Norwegian libraries established quality-controlled internet sites with indexed links to resources suitable for education on different age levels.
    ⑧ 美國紐約皇后圖書館和丹麥哥本哈根圖書館,在館舍內特別設計一個學習中心,提供教學的協助,包括教材、電腦
    Large urban libraries like the Queens Borough Public Library in New York, USA and the Copenhagen Public Library in Denmark offer customers specially designed learning centres in their buildings. These centres include staff that provides instructional assistance with educational materials and computers.

    註:紐約公共圖書館 (New York Public Library,簡稱NYPL)、布魯克林公共圖書館 (Brooklyn Public Library)、皇后圖書館 (Queens Library),組成美國紐約市的三大公共圖書館系統

    ⑨ 俄國圖書館與青少年讀者線上溝通,並將問題在24小時內轉介到適合的單位
    Russian Astrakhan Regional Children’s Library communicates with young readers online. Incoming questions are referred to appropriate departments with the goal of processing requests within 24 hours. Those residing far from the library can now receive necessary books or magazines.
    ⑩ 澳洲昆士蘭公共圖書館支援中小學家庭作業,讓學生組成讀書會
    In the State of Queensland, Australia, public libraries provide homework resources and support to upper primary and secondary school children through organised homework clubs in libraries. Electronic homework support is also available.
  2. 資訊 Information
    (1) 公共圖書館必須提供各式各樣的資訊
    The public library is the local centre of information making all kinds of knowledge and information readily available to its users.’
    (2) 近用、理解資訊是人權
    It is a basic human right to be able to have access to and an understanding of information, and there is now more information available than ever before in the world’s history.
    (3) 範例:
    ① 南非的一些公共圖書館為資訊站和遠程服務中心提供場地
    Some public libraries in South Africa provide space for information kiosks and telecentres.
    ② 馬里共和國、莫三比克、坦桑尼亞、烏干達公共圖書館建立建立社區多功能遠程服務中心的資訊環境,提供現代資訊通信工具
    Rural multi-purpose community telecentres established in 5 African countries (Benin, Mali, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda) provide access to modern information and communication tools.
    ③ 美國孟菲斯公共圖書館提供非傳統資訊,例如:家譜、小型會議中心、就業輔導中心;其他市立圖書館開放政府資訊
    The public library in Memphis, TN, USA, includes non-traditional information such as genealogy records, a small business centre, and job opportunities listings. Other city libraries in the USA, in Dallas, TX and San Francisco, CA, offer local, state and national government information.
    ④ 澳洲黃金海岸圖書委員會舉辦科技博覽會,讓民眾學習各式各樣最新科技的工具
    Australia’s Gold Coast City Council regularly hosts a two day “Techno Expo” providing customers opportunities to explore and learn all about gadgets, tools and concepts which incorporate the latest technologies.
  3. 個人發展 Personal development (對我們每一個人有什麼好處,針對個人而非整體)
    (1) 提供個人創造力發展的機會
    ‘Providing opportunities for personal creative development.’


    (2) 範例:
    The Rural Audio Libraries of Mali distributed information on hygiene, health, animal husbandry and other topics relevant to people’s daily lives. These reached 146 villages, and collective listening sessions were organised.


    ② 南美洲玻利維亞公共圖書館舉辦各式各樣的活動,例如:健康推廣活動、營養課程(教你怎樣吃才營養)、母嬰與青少年社群
    In Bolivia, local libraries are venues for a variety of activities, such as health campaigns, classes in nutrition, mother and baby and youth clubs.
    美國克蘭德爾公共圖書館熱線回答健康問題Crandall Public Library in Glen Falls, NY, USA, provided a Health Information Centre complete with a telephone hotline available to answer the public’s health questions.
    ④ 倫敦圖書館幫助逃到歐洲的難民融入社會,教導如何算數 (小學教育)
    London libraries offer a range of books and other resources to help people improve literacy, numeracy and information technology skills.
  4. 兒童與青少年 Children and young people
    (1) 幫助兒童從小就建立並強化閱讀習慣
    Creating and strengthening reading habits in children from an early age.’


    (2) 範例:
    ① 俄羅斯新烏拉爾斯克中央公共圖書館,以青少年為中心,發展圖書巡迴車(口號:我要找答案)
    The Central Public Library in Novouralsk, Russia developed a mobile information service focusing on youth entitled, “I am looking for an answer”, with the objective of providing immediate information online.


    ② 鄂木斯克圖書館發起以青少年為目標的讀者計畫,透過讀者研究,辨識青少年的需求後,使其可線上觀看書
    “Chitatel.ru or (Reader.ru)” created by the Centralized System of Municipal Libraries, Omsk, Russia targets youth. The online menu offers options to find some ‘interesting books and quotes by renowned authors.’
  5. 文化發展 Cultural development
  6. 範例:
    Librarians working in Amazonas, Venezuela, were trained to act as intermediaries between different cultures as many people living in the rural communities may only speak and understand their native language.
    ② 紐瓦克公共圖書館與歷史委員會合作,提供「在地」歷史
    The Newark Public Library, NJ, USA, developed the Charles Cummings New Jersey Information Center focusing on local and state history in partnership with the New Jersey Historical Commission.
    ③ 克羅埃西亞圖書館提供少數民族特別的圖書館服務,包含其母語的書籍相關展覽資訊素養培訓、館際互借等等
    The central libraries of the Republic of Croatia offer library service for all ethnic minorities including books in their mother language, relevant exhibitions, literary and other cultural events, and interlibrary lending to supplement local ethnic needs.

    註:臺灣原住民有其語言和文字 (傳教士所作的羅馬拼音),原住民地區的圖書館員應設法找到用其語言書寫的書籍或用中文書寫與之相關的書籍

    ④ 澳洲黃金海岸圖書館,每月舉辦多元文化的活動
    Australian Gold Coast City Council Libraries celebrate “Cultures on the Coast” with monthly programmes of multicultural interest that are organised and delivered by diverse groups ultimately raising cultural awareness within the community.
  7. 公共圖書館的社會角色 The social role of the public library
    (1) 把圖書館設計成當地客廳,讓民眾把它當成第三空間來使用

    註:第一空間 → 家;第二公間 → 辦公室

  8. (2) 範例:
    ①  芬蘭 Entresse圖書館位於大型購物中心,是一個多元文化的圖書館,圖書館員與讀者都是多元文化的,以青少年、移民為主要對象
    Entresse Library, Finland is located in a shopping mall. It is a multicultural library with staff as heterogeneous as its customers. Targeted groups include teenagers and immigrants. Librarians walk through the facility with mobile phones and laptops to provide services to these sometimes difficult to reach populations.



    ② 芬蘭赫爾辛基圖書館分館 Library 10 提供館創新服務,例如:讀者可以進圖書館的錄音室舞蹈室彩排,不必去外面租場地
    Library 10 is a branch of the Helsinki, Finland, city library, located in the city centre providing innovative services to cus-tomers such as the Audio-editing and Rehearsal rooms, where customers can practice or record music. The Stage functions as a venue for cultural performances, discussions, and other exhibits.



四、適應變化的機構 An agency for change
  1. 公共圖書館是一個提供改變機會的地方,包括社會個人發展
    The public library is acting as an agency for social and personal development and can be a positive agency for change in the community.
  2. 圖書館必須提供足夠的資料、資訊以支援教育,讓社會大眾可以透過社會教育改變
    By providing a wide range of materials to support education and by making information accessible to all, the public library can bring economic and social benefits to individuals and to the community.

五、資訊自由 Freedom of information
  1. 資訊不得受限於任何形式的意識形態政治宗教檢查、商業壓力  (盡量避免、閃躲)
    Collections and services should not be subject to any form of ideological, political or religious censorship, nor commercial pressures.’
  2. 範例:
    In Denmark, libraries encourage citizens to join in political debate and take an active part in democracy through the project,‘The library as democratic hothouse.’ In the city of Herning, the library cooperates with local journalists and politicians to create a debating culture which is active on both the Internet and via discussion within the physical space.

    選題→決定正方還是反方→兩邊按照一定規則發言 (發言順序、時間、內容,例如:不可進行人身攻擊)

六、所有人皆可近用 Access for all  ("接近"使用:接近才能使用)
A fundamental principle of the public library is that its services must be available to all and not directed to one group in the community to the exclusion of others. Provision should be made to ensure services are equally available to minority groups who for some reason are not able to use the mainstream services, for example, linguistic minorities, people with physical and sensory disabilities or those living in remote communities who are unable to reach library buildings.

註:對於少數民族 (minority),必須提供特別額外的服務,才能讓少數群體逐漸成長、融入社會

註:使用(use)是一回事,但無法接近則無從使用,若不知道它的存在,要如何去使用? 接近之後可選擇是否要去使用 (用或不用)

七、在地需求 Local needs
圖書館必須滿足「當下」讀者的需求,服務不是遠在天邊,就在你門口,不可以因為忙碌而無法服務已經來到窗口的讀者。 (你無法服務我,卻服務別人?)


八、在地文化 Local culture


  • 笑話篇~ 輕鬆一下吧
R:真的!? 妳為什麼對輔大這麼有信心?
R:妳會作弊嗎?不會,因為我上學期已經作弊過了。(哈哈哈) 妳的信心根據過去的經驗很快就會被打破的。


